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Cloud Getting Started Guide

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Cloud Tutorials

Introduction to Azure virtual machines - Learn | Microsoft Docs

Learn about the decisions you make before creating a virtual machine, the options to create and manage the VM, and the extensions and services you use to manage your VM.

Evolve your DevOps practices learning path - Learn | Microsoft Docs

DevOps is the union of people, process, and products to enable continuous delivery of value to your end users. Azure DevOps is a set of services that gives you the tools you need to do just that. With Azure DevOps, you can build, test, and deploy any application, either to the cloud or on premises....

Create a Linux virtual machine in Azure - Learn | Microsoft Docs

In this module, we discuss how to create a Linux virtual machine using the Azure portal.

Architect network infrastructure in Azure learning path - Learn | Microsoft Docs

Learn how to architect a secure, flexible, network infrastructure in Azure and connect on-premises networks to your Azure resources.PrerequisitesFamiliarity with network concepts, such as IP addressing and routingFamiliarity with network connectivity methods, such as VPN

Work with NoSQL data in Azure Cosmos DB learning path - Learn | Microsoft Docs

NoSQL data is an efficient way to store information that doesn’t map to the requirements of a relational SQL database. Learn how to use the Azure portal, the Azure Cosmos DB extension for Visual Studio Code, and the Azure Cosmos DB .NET Core SDK to work with your NoSQL data where you want, and pro...

AWS Educate

AWS Educate is now open to any individual, regardless of where they are in their education, technical experience, or career journey.If you’re overwhelmed by too many choices when it comes to learning about the cloud, AWS Educate is here to help. Cloud beginners like you are invited to check out ou...

Azure fundamentals learning path - Learn | Microsoft Docs

Interested in the cloud, but aren't quite sure what it can do for you? This path is the place to start.In this learning path, you will:Learn cloud concepts such as High Availability, Scalability, Elasticity, Agility, Fault Tolerance, and Disaster RecoveryUnderstand the benefits of cloud computing in...