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Git Getting Started Guide

Learn Git using the best Git tutorials from all over the Internet, curated and voted for by the community. Got talent? Submit your header work for fame

Git Tutorials

Getting started with Git and GitHub: the complete beginner's guide

If you go all the way through the article, you can practice cloning an existing repository, creating a branch, making changes, and creating a pull request. Along the way, you might also learn how to find your terminal, use terminal commands, and edit a markdown (.md) file!

Git & GitHub Crash Course For Beginners

In this Git tutorial we will talk about what exactly Git is and we will look at and work with all of the basic and most important commands such as add, commit, status, push and more. This tutorial is very beginner friendly.

Git Immersion

A guided tour that walks through the fundamentals of Git, inspired by the premise that to know a thing is to do it.

Git Tutorial: Learn Git Basics For Free | Codecademy

Git, simply put, is a tool to save versions of your code. This course will teach you a basic workflow and Git’s core features, different ways to undo changes or save multiple versions of a project, and how to collaborate with other developers.