Introduction to ASP.NET MVC in C#: Basics, Advanced Topics, Tips, Tricks, Best Practices, and More

Video Tutorial - Beginner youtube.com


In this video, Tim Corey will walk you through ASP.NET MVC and show you what it is, how to configure it, how to set it up, what all of the different files represent and more. Learn about the best practices surrounding MVC along the way.

The topics covered in this video include:

 - What is MVC (Model-View-Controller)

 - Bundling

 - Routing

 - NuGet

 - Deployment

 - Razor

 - ActionLinks

 - RenderSection

 - Web.Config

 - CustomErrors

 - Scaffolding

 - Templates

 - Packages.config

 - Global.asax

 - Shared Layouts

 - and much more